Original Tour Tickets for London Sightseeing
FREE TICKETS for a “like” or a “tweet”
Well our loss is your gain – if you are quick!
Having been left with 30 tickets for the Original Bus Tour that must be used by the end of October 2012 (this month!) I was rather hoping that the company would do a favour (for the many years we have promoted them) and swap them for tickets that we could continue to sell into 2013, allowing us to continue to promote them. But alas they would only do so if we bought even more tickets!
So, fortunately for you all I can do is give the last few tickets away for a tweet or a facebook mention or a google +1. So pass this on using the social links above and to the side of this post and I will select 15 lucky people on Monday 15 October) who will win a pair of Original Tour London Sightseeing tickets valid for the rest of this month – and that includes the first half of half term!
Apologies too
Apologies too, to the lady to who wanted a pair of tickets to but who couldn’t use them until 02 November… if you can move your half term trip forward a littl :-(
Our Original Theatre Breaks
As the original (with a little “o”) theatre break company, we still sell Original Bus tours as add-ons to our London theatre breaks, so do look out for them when booking… in fact why not book a Theatre Break in London now!